Monday 25 July 2016

blog session 2

legal abortion

In this moment in Chile, the legal abortion is prohibited, but the mentality of the people is changed because exist a lot of case where the maternity is affected in negative way. Actuality exist a project of the government about this and propose three important points; when pregnancy to be interrupted to avoid a danger for the life of the woman, when the embryo or fetus suffers a structural congenital or genetic alteration of lethal character, or when the pregnancy is a product of a violation.

 I´m very agree whit this three points, but also I think this law it’s not focus in the freedom of the woman, because she is who have the pregnancy during nine months. The decision must be taken in first place the woman, and then the important people around she, like her companion or parents.

Concluding my opinion, it would go of the hand, with civil education and sexual education, from we are child, having class about identity sexual. Standing out the importancy about be consistent whit your acts and decision.

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