Monday 12 September 2016

session blog 5:
this picture was taken by my sister and she took this photo because she wants photograph my best birthday's present: Satin, the most beautiful and naughty cat that we have ever seen. He was our first pet and we had very great moments with him. Sadly, Satin died in the past summer and was unannounced: he went out home like always in the morning, but never come back and when my sister was to drive her car, the cat was death reclining under the car. It was very sad, and to my sister was very hard. I cried a lot.

This is my favorite picture of my deceased cat because it represents all the tenderness of this pet, and remind me that he always live in my heart and all the beautiful moments. Also the picture capture one of the gaze most traditional of Satin, saying something like: ' whats happens? ' as if was hiding some mischief.

The photo was taken in my birthday number sixteen, and Satin was a present by my dear friend Ignacia in the high school.  This animal always been my most loved partner, loyal and loving.

I have this picture in my house and in my bedroom it is framed and setting in a special place. And may be the photo is not very nice in terms of photograph. just does not have great complexities, dont have good ligth or some contrast in the elements that apper but this picture keep in my dayli routine, the memories of my cat.

My sister always tells me that she misses be with Satin, share a pleasant moment or simply touch his fur (because always was a soft and shiny, the perfect place where we could enjoy an incredible softness area)

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