Friday 30 September 2016

session 7:
 An expert in my field:

One of the most important composer of dance in this last time is: Nuri Gutes.
She is our teacher in the university and have many works about dance.

If I have write two contributions of her in my area of study, I have say firstly that she teach like anyone, because always we learnd about other things related of dance, is as one way of teach more complete or more close with the complexity of the meaning to do dance with the soul and body and mind, and all of that means.

And secondly this person is a known choreographer in Chile and always do thing different, his mind is in constant change, and have many ideas that are put in a movement from one huge internal world, and his own imaginary is represent in a kind of situation that express what she consider.

To everyone she have a significant presence and a particular personality, with diferent tastes and many changes. In a world of dance in Chile, everyone is know to everyone else and Nury contribute with a new lenguage or speech about the movement and the dance. Is good have her as a teacher, I am very grateful.

a carrer-related website:

I discovered this page because the teacher of dance to my school , my dear Vannia Villagrán show me this company of dance, that always produce great projects or works, with many social purpose and beautifull way of movement very honest and reflexive.

 I used this page to see the billboard of the place and if they have some seminary or workshop of dance with some dancer or actor ( people related with art too). And to keep me careful with the new creations of dance.

I recomend this place because his place always have good pieces of dance (quality, variety and reflexion) and because you can see videos or very interesting photos.

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