Tuesday 13 September 2016

session 8

One of the subjects that I have this semester is contact improvisation (CI) whit the teacher Francisca Morand, who learned whit the founder of this practice of dance, the great Steve Paxton. Morand have a robust academic work about the way of teach this technique and she made some texts like his thesis, and sometimes she took about his experience taken different classes whit Steve Paxton, some reflection and how she appreciated some exercises.

The class was changed over the course of the semester, but the primordial matter always is the question about how we share the weight of our body whit other body in a direction. To do this we had to learn with more detail how module the muscle tone and practice how to be open with all our body for the communication is produced by listening to others.

We work from one place more mental or one mental stage and other place more physical, for the first, we have advances in the confidence in ourselves and whit others, and we start be more "in the present" ( the meaning for this, could be something like be more attentive and available to the most possibilities in a near future). And for the secondly we have a work to be more strong our supports, prove other part of the body to be supports and in the same time try to keep up different parts like legs or the pelvis in contact with another.

I am like this subject because always can learn something different, and how we do this practice with all our classmates, most of the time we can know more about ourselves via others, or by others, or with the help of others. And with this practice you can chek: how are you. Maybe you are more strong or with more energy and you want do things more acrobatics or not, maybe you are with some pain or injury and dont need much movements or weight, or if you need more love and that listen to you you only would show your stage and you can dance every you want.

I love how we can express with our body all we are, or our needs.
And the possibility to be listen with some different area of our body.

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