Friday 30 September 2016

session 9:

What do whit the problem of money

I'm really thinking that the money is not  important, and is just one of the systems to make transactions of products and services, the only problem is the use that the people (the big bosses) made with it!...the money its not the problem, is the way that someone use it.

I'm that kind of person that can save money for his entire life, I'm very good at don't spent unnecessary if I don't have a really strong desire or idea for it. When I was a kid, I saved "peso a peso" until I get $200.000, because my desire was a computer with games so, I'm trained in the saving marathon things.

Actually I can't save nothing from my money, every month I have to pay the University's duty, so I only count with a little of cash in my life but when I can, I buy something to do dance, like good t-shirt or some pants with good fabrication. (quality in his manufactured).

If I'm a millionaire, I have to big dreams: Put a store to seal cofee and arte (this is an actual desire), or construct a theater. I want to build a theater for dance and music, with essay's rooms, I'm thinking in a building with 5 floors, each with an essay's room with lights and dressing rooms and showers, and in the first floor a room from performances with capability for 200 people. Something like that I really want to do, like a GAM but for dance as objective. And with more relations of the people how lives in around there, doing free every show, or with voluntary cooperation.

If i have to pawn something I think I don't have anything with a really value in the capitalist market so I think the only thing that I can pawn was my computer (an old computer).

Everyone knows that this actual system keep our needs trapped in the consumerism, and we not are the enought inteligent to scape of this rutine but, we always can organised and do free exchanges, like the "gratiferias" that are a great way to figth and change our reality, our at least our way of think.

I try to go always by the shining rute and think a different world. Do art, charing with people and spend the minimum everyday.
session 7:
 An expert in my field:

One of the most important composer of dance in this last time is: Nuri Gutes.
She is our teacher in the university and have many works about dance.

If I have write two contributions of her in my area of study, I have say firstly that she teach like anyone, because always we learnd about other things related of dance, is as one way of teach more complete or more close with the complexity of the meaning to do dance with the soul and body and mind, and all of that means.

And secondly this person is a known choreographer in Chile and always do thing different, his mind is in constant change, and have many ideas that are put in a movement from one huge internal world, and his own imaginary is represent in a kind of situation that express what she consider.

To everyone she have a significant presence and a particular personality, with diferent tastes and many changes. In a world of dance in Chile, everyone is know to everyone else and Nury contribute with a new lenguage or speech about the movement and the dance. Is good have her as a teacher, I am very grateful.

a carrer-related website:

I discovered this page because the teacher of dance to my school , my dear Vannia Villagrán show me this company of dance, that always produce great projects or works, with many social purpose and beautifull way of movement very honest and reflexive.

 I used this page to see the billboard of the place and if they have some seminary or workshop of dance with some dancer or actor ( people related with art too). And to keep me careful with the new creations of dance.

I recomend this place because his place always have good pieces of dance (quality, variety and reflexion) and because you can see videos or very interesting photos.

session 6:

Did you know the alchemist?

What if i tell you that alchemy isn’t fake? Well well in our world the alchemy isn’t like magic, you cannot transform rocks into gold and you will never find a philosopher stone cuz’ those are
Fairy tale’s things, but if you still interested in this world of alchemy I’ll introduce you the greatest anime in the world (it’s my opinion) FULL METAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD.

Full metal alchemist brotherhood Saga (There are series form “Full metal alchemist” but one manga), The first saga called just like that and the second one “Brotherhood" who goes into the same line the manga took. But also that isn’t the Big problem, the great failure in the first saga was the complete change of the main story line.

The story begins with the young Elcric brothers, Alphonse and Edward well known as “Haganeno” from Japanese what means “Steel”. The nickname is about his leg and his arm made of steel, arm he use in fight transforming it with alchemy into weapons.

But you must know think “What the hell is alchemy”, and here is your answer: Alchemy is the science of transformation, you may understand the substance, when you understood it you might be able to decompose it, once you decompose it you are ready to transform it into something, and that is transformation, but remember the biggest law in alchemy “You won’t be able to win anything if you don’t give something first", for get something you may lose something with equal price.

It is a great animé, and I loved because produce me a deep reflection about the balance between the justice and the evil in all human desicion. I recommend this serie to your holidays!

Tuesday 13 September 2016

session 8

One of the subjects that I have this semester is contact improvisation (CI) whit the teacher Francisca Morand, who learned whit the founder of this practice of dance, the great Steve Paxton. Morand have a robust academic work about the way of teach this technique and she made some texts like his thesis, and sometimes she took about his experience taken different classes whit Steve Paxton, some reflection and how she appreciated some exercises.

The class was changed over the course of the semester, but the primordial matter always is the question about how we share the weight of our body whit other body in a direction. To do this we had to learn with more detail how module the muscle tone and practice how to be open with all our body for the communication is produced by listening to others.

We work from one place more mental or one mental stage and other place more physical, for the first, we have advances in the confidence in ourselves and whit others, and we start be more "in the present" ( the meaning for this, could be something like be more attentive and available to the most possibilities in a near future). And for the secondly we have a work to be more strong our supports, prove other part of the body to be supports and in the same time try to keep up different parts like legs or the pelvis in contact with another.

I am like this subject because always can learn something different, and how we do this practice with all our classmates, most of the time we can know more about ourselves via others, or by others, or with the help of others. And with this practice you can chek: how are you. Maybe you are more strong or with more energy and you want do things more acrobatics or not, maybe you are with some pain or injury and dont need much movements or weight, or if you need more love and that listen to you you only would show your stage and you can dance every you want.

I love how we can express with our body all we are, or our needs.
And the possibility to be listen with some different area of our body.

Monday 12 September 2016

session blog 5:
this picture was taken by my sister and she took this photo because she wants photograph my best birthday's present: Satin, the most beautiful and naughty cat that we have ever seen. He was our first pet and we had very great moments with him. Sadly, Satin died in the past summer and was unannounced: he went out home like always in the morning, but never come back and when my sister was to drive her car, the cat was death reclining under the car. It was very sad, and to my sister was very hard. I cried a lot.

This is my favorite picture of my deceased cat because it represents all the tenderness of this pet, and remind me that he always live in my heart and all the beautiful moments. Also the picture capture one of the gaze most traditional of Satin, saying something like: ' whats happens? ' as if was hiding some mischief.

The photo was taken in my birthday number sixteen, and Satin was a present by my dear friend Ignacia in the high school.  This animal always been my most loved partner, loyal and loving.

I have this picture in my house and in my bedroom it is framed and setting in a special place. And may be the photo is not very nice in terms of photograph. just does not have great complexities, dont have good ligth or some contrast in the elements that apper but this picture keep in my dayli routine, the memories of my cat.

My sister always tells me that she misses be with Satin, share a pleasant moment or simply touch his fur (because always was a soft and shiny, the perfect place where we could enjoy an incredible softness area)

Monday 25 July 2016

blog session 2

legal abortion

In this moment in Chile, the legal abortion is prohibited, but the mentality of the people is changed because exist a lot of case where the maternity is affected in negative way. Actuality exist a project of the government about this and propose three important points; when pregnancy to be interrupted to avoid a danger for the life of the woman, when the embryo or fetus suffers a structural congenital or genetic alteration of lethal character, or when the pregnancy is a product of a violation.

 I´m very agree whit this three points, but also I think this law it’s not focus in the freedom of the woman, because she is who have the pregnancy during nine months. The decision must be taken in first place the woman, and then the important people around she, like her companion or parents.

Concluding my opinion, it would go of the hand, with civil education and sexual education, from we are child, having class about identity sexual. Standing out the importancy about be consistent whit your acts and decision.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

blog session 4


I always loved walk in a hill or mountain, and  is very important know what places are the most beautiful in santiago and with easy access for go on foot (because I dont have car) from my house
My favorite place for go is `Quebrada de Macul`, where the access is free and I reach in fifty minutes from my house in public transport (D03) and then walk fifteen minutes for enter to the park. After the enter you can walk a few minutes and you find a small river next to the trail. After two or three hours walking, they will appear someones cascade or "water falls". But with more time and effort I love upload to the summit of  ´La Cruz´ hill (five hours walking) where is possible see a great view of the pollution in Santiago. IT`S A SHOCK !

Chile its a great country for this activities, because it have a lot of diferents environments in the north, exist the most arid desert and a lots of high volcanoes, whit a beautifull trekking , for the other sides, in the south we have precious glaciers and forest, like torres del paine, whit pristine places and unique views.

I think practice trekking its a very good excercises for the body and the mind, its very healthy and nice. I love because connect my soul whit the nature, and I can remember my roots, and the memories of the past, like my grandfather who died.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Blog session 3
My favorite piece of technology is a video camera and I really don't have one, but I always have one of other people, like my friends or parents and the first moment when I became interested in photography, videos and movies, was in the school in class of art, whit my favorite teacher: Karine Hurtado, I loved her.
I use cameras for taking pictures in a presentation of dance or something related with the movement, and when I have to learn some movement in class that is very difficult, I record it and watch the video at home.  I use every week this technology, and when I don't have something to record, I always draw something similar to the moment, situation, place or thing about what I want to capture for not forgetting it.
I like all the audiovisual means, because we can do extraordinary things and effects with these elements and with the help of a camera we can prove and embody our imagination and creations in the scene or photo.
 And my life wouldn't be the same without all the amazing creations of animation or movies, or even the photo archive that existing thanks to the cameras and their power to create new views, and therefore being art for me. Because  I think that it's important what I do or how I feel with the technology, not the technological objects or articles themselves.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

hello! My name is aline aguilar, and mi second name is esperanza (this is a lovely detail). I`m 21 years old. I born in santiago on 20th december of 1994, and I have lived in Chile since always. I studied the elementary and high school in Liceo Manuel de Salas, 14 years in the same institution.
And today I found in the university of Chile studying Licenciatura en artes mención en Danza, this it`s my fourth year in the university and I still need 3 years more for get out of the career.
I have an older sister, she's the oldest (four years older) and she is a kinesiologist, and now she is working in a private clinical, and live with me and two more people, they are :my mom and her boyfriend. We live in an appartament in Ñuñoa. Also I visit my grandparents in Las Condes very frequently.
I  love the animals, walking by the hills and Japanese animation, I am learning to play the guitar,